"America is not at War, the U.S. Military is at War, America is at the Mall, and Congress is out to Lunch."

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How Liberals Argue

If you ever wondered how liberals (or the "willfully ignorant") argue, you have to read this post by the original Monster Hunter himself.

A taste for you...
Skim until Offended
Disqualify that Opinion
Attack, Attack, Attack
Disregard Inconvenient facts
Make Shit Up
Resort to Moral Equivalency
Concern Trolling
When all else fails, Racism!
You don’t defend your beliefs in the hopes of convincing the willfully ignorant. That’s a lost cause. The willfully ignorant aren't to be convinced, they are to be mocked. Their flaws are to be pointed out until everyone around them realizes how full of crap they are. Remember that argument is theater, and your performance isn't aimed at your opponent, but rather at the audience.
and please read the comments, they are great also...
From my experiences, whenever a liberal accuses someone of something there’s a very real chance they’re already doing it themselves.If I woke up tomorrow and read that the Left was accusing conservatives of cannibalism, my first thought would be “Oh, my God! The Left is eating people!”

Friday, September 20, 2013

Excuse Me??? WTF Over...

Connecticut judge declares "No one should have guns"

This is just more proof that we no longer have a Justice system in this country.

Best F#@king News Team on TV.

I am not a regular fan of Jon Stewart, but him mocking CNN and how they broadcast "Breaking News" is hilarious.

More Nonsense from the Leftist Coast

So handing out copies of the CONSTITUTION!!! is only free speech when performed at a specific time and place.
The Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, but don’t try to pass out copies of it at Modesto Junior College in California.

No Honor

Every one in awhile, one of these stories pop up and I am disgusted. A US veteran turning their back on Honor and Loyalty. I could not say it better than Deebow....
"Rep. Tammy Duckworth.I have searched for a way to say this, but I can think of no other way: You madam, are an epic POS."

Hope n' Change Cartoons: PinPrick


Hope n' Change Cartoons: PinPrick:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Are you a Grunt?

Check out Terminal Lance.

Jerry Miculek's Ultimate Bill Drill

Six rounds in 2.52 Seconds...

I think that the 2 second standard for a Master Class shooter can be relaxed a bit for Jerry, especially since he is shooting a Barrett .50 caliber.

Encore Presentation

Pitsnipes brings back a video that just never gets old.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Theo Spark:

Theo Spark:

Obama gets tough.

Obama decided that being President was just to much, and decided to pretend he was a Senator again. This meant that he would decide on the course of action for Syria, that would let the entire world now exactly what kind of leader he is.

He voted Present.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

So in the middle of this long weekend, it is all quiet on the home-front. I am trying to keep away from any news sources. Watching the constant coverage of the President is depressing. His "change of heart" and deciding that supporting al-Qaeda with air support should first have Congressional approval goes to cement his amateur status as a world leader. To stand up all puffy chested and declare the US moral authority to use our military in Syria, and then slink away after being shown to be a glaring hypocrite.

Besides how hard would his job get if his own Vice-President is trying to impeach him.

JOE BIDEN Ladies and Gentlemen, I drafted an outline of what I think the Constitutional limits have on the war clause. I went to five leading scholars, constitutional scholars, and they drafted a treatise for me that’s being distributed to every senator. And I want to make it clear, and I made it clear to the president, that if he takes this nation to war…without congressional approval, I will make it my business to impeach him. And that’s a fact! 
H/T Pitsnipes Gripes